October 14 – Planning


Note: Rebecca will out of town at a conference, however you all have tasks to complete in her absence. Attendance will be taken at a random time during the class period.

  • Share sketches, content and strategy with at least two other designers. Each designer should give you feedback on the following: meeting goals/needs of primary audience, meeting career goals, user flow, grid, organization. Type notes and save as a PDF (yourname_p2_planningFeedback.pdf).
  • Revise sketches and content as necessary in response to feedback.

Due Monday, October 17

  • Module Mockups: looking at the content and sketches that you have, identify the primary modules you will need for your site. Mockup individual modules considering what they will look like on a small screen (320px) and larger screens (960px). Examples of modules include basic typography (heading, subheading, paragraph, list, text links — using a modular scale is highly encouraged), navigation (if relevant), call to action, portfolio item, etc. Label modules with important details such as typeface, type size, line-height, hex colors, etc. to make coding easier later on. Be prepared to show these modules in critique on Monday.