October 14 – Finalize Design


Self-organize to accomplish the following tasks in Rebecca’s absence:

  • Review Miranda’s Mockups and troubleshoot layout issues.
  • Review Dave’s HTML files and Halle’s CSS file.
  • Finalize how images will be handled on the site.
  • Choose strategy to deal with collapsible content to pursue.

Due October 17

Assign these tasks and post who is assigned to what in Slack.

  • Working prototype for collapsible content (coded and separate from main project).
  • CSS across screen sizes (layout, type, etc.). This should be the most basic version of the site fully implemented for critique.
  • Share graphics for social media (graphic + text to post in social media and direct link to particular content in the site). Think about the share graphics that would be appropriate for all of the personas created.
  • Progressive enhancements like animations or other complex details. (develop these separate from the main project)