October 28 – Usability Testing and Modules

Class Topics

  • Usability Testing (see example of test plan from SUNY Oswego web team)
    • Test regularly and at all phases
    • Test tasks
    • Ask tester to talk about their thoughts out loud
    • Time tasks and make observations about hesitations or confusion
    • Each test should have a facilitator and a note taker in addtion to the tester
    • Critique should be kept separate from usability testing
  • Modules (see SUNY Oswego pattern library)
    • Questions that need answers before you can design:
      • What is the content of the site?
      • What tasks does the user need to be able to complete on the site?
      • What steps are required to complete those tasks (think storyboard)?
    • Defining Modules
      • Style the basics: text, lists, links, images, form elements, buttons, images, etc. At this stage you aren’t thinking about layout.
      • What are the repeating elements from page to page? Examples: Header/site-identifier, footer, navigation. What are those layouts? How do they change across screen sizes?
      • Are there repeating kinds of content? Examples: Alerts, testimonials, feature articles, cards, contact blocks, profiles, etc. What are those layouts? How do they change across screen sizes?
      • How are the modulees above combined into pages? Are there consistent page templates/layouts? For example, profile pages, landing pages, blog posts or articles, etc.
  • Sentence-level markup review (group challenge)


  • UI Sketchbook: Review recording of your pitch from last Wednesday (Go into our Blackboard course and click on “Course Recordings”). Consider your presentation and the questions you were asked. Compare your presentation with those of your peers. Address the following:
    • What worked really well in your presentation? How do you know?
    • What did not work well, and why didn’t it work?
    • What was missing?
    • What will you need to do in your final presentation to be more successful individually?
    • What will your team need to do in your final prseentation to be more successful?

Reminder: Wednesday is advisment day in the art department, so it will be a work day. Art students who need advisement are encouraged to participate in the advisement session during our class period.