Disability, Universal Design, and the Digital Humanities

Over the last several decades, scholars have developed standards for how best to create, organize, present, and preserve digital information so that future generations of teachers, students, scholars, and librarians may still use it.


The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Human Rights Advocacy

Many organizations around the world dedicate their efforts to protecting human rights and ending human rights abuses. Major human rights organizations maintain extensive websites documenting violations and calling for remedial action, both at a governmental and grass-roots level.


Living Writers Series brings variety of creators to campus

This fall’s Living Writers Series at SUNY Oswego will feature speakers who craft poetry, novels, graphic novels, short stories, songs, plays and screenplays — and even exposed the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. All talks will take place from 3 to 4:20 p.m.


Yes, Small Design Studios Can Compete with Big Creative Agencies

For the past several years you’ve known them as Wade Jeffree and Leta Sobierajski, two graphic designers and art directors with solid independent practices who often collaborate on projects, but not always; who share a studio space and apartment in Brooklyn. And, oh yeah, they’re married.


Submission deadlines for GitHub Classroom

Over the summer, GitHub Classroom grew a new feature: specifying submission deadlines! But there’s a curious bit of text that goes with it: After the deadline, GitHub Classroom will save the latest commit from each repo as a submission. Submission commits are viewable on the assignment page.


Will Posting This Notice Stop Facebook from Making Your Posts Public?

Messages about protecting your copyright or privacy rights on Facebook by posting a particular legal notice to your Facebook wall have been circulated on that social network for several years now, and all of them are variants of an older rumor holding that posting a similar notice on a web site woul


Let’s Cut the Bullshit—Here’s What it Really Means to Diversify Your Workplace

After my first day interning at a design studio in London one summer, I returned home on the verge of tears. I couldn’t initially explain why, but I loathed the atmosphere. The thought of going to work every morning filled me with anxiety.
