September 8: The Paragraph

Class Topics

  • Copyright
  • The Paragraph
    • The Equilateral triangle (font size, line-height, line-length)
    • Tone and space: tracking and line-height
    • CSS Properties: font-family, font-weight, font-style, font-size, line-height, max-width, letter-spacing, margin, padding
  • Useful Tools and Resources


  • Web Design Foundation: The Paragraph
  • Review Typewolf: Typography Cheatsheet
  • Read Fontology Level 3: Numbers, Signs and Symbols (click in to each of the three sections)
  • UI Sketchbook Prompt: Find an example of good readability on a website with long-form text (specifically an article page of some sort). Look at the design on a mobile device, a large screen and on a laptop or computer in the 24hr room in the library. Sketch (at scale, measure the screen sizes) the layout, with an emphasis on typography hierarchy and space. Sketches should be in grayscale but should convey when something is darker or ligher than something else on the page (use the noCoffee browser add-on to convert layout to grayscale if you are having trouble imagining what it would look like in grayscale).