September 7 – Planning

Course Topics

  • AIR-U update: accessibility training will be open to you on Monday. You’ll receive an access pin by email. Meeting with assigned mentor has not been set yet. Is Vote Oswego registered as your client yet?
  • Vote Oswego Update: I have notes for everyone from a brainstorm session with the grassroots team that you might find helpful (Kim and Nicole can fill you in more). There is a very rough draft of the site text on the drive — it is not useable in its current form, but the research is all there. They are going to clean it up during a work session on Saturday.
  • Prepare proposals/concepts for Rebecca. She’ll meet with you the second half of class.
  • Do you have a plan for testing? Test early and test often.
  • What sites have you been looking at for inspiration and for context?
  • Assign tasks for next class and a communication plan for the long weekend.
  • Post all meeting notes on Google Drive. Assign a team member to post a quick re-cap of what is decided in class to the Slack channel.
  • Timesheet needs label columns. All hours already logged need to be in the spreadsheet before Monday. Changelog probably needs a column for what file was worked on. For both, set up text-wrapping for each column. Spreadsheets are our friends.
  • Set up a system for to-dos or what to do next if people finish tasks early.


  • Get a jump start on the training modules provided by AIR-U
  • Finish up grid exercise.
  • Complete your assigned task for the Vote Oswego project