August 31 – Meet with Vote Oswego

Class Topics

Remember that we meet in Mahar 467 for the first half of class

  • Meet the Vote Oswego team.
  • Grassroots Strategy Model
  • Memorable Exhibit Presentations


  • Read Chapter 3 of The User’s Journey. Take good notes. We’ll be using this model in class on Wednesday with the Vote Oswego campaign staff. Expect to need to explain the model to one of those staffers.
  • Story Basics: Create a simple storyboard (stick figures are fine) of a fairytale of your choice. Each panel of the storyboard should be labeled with the parts of a narrative introduced in chapters 1-2 of The User’s Journey (exposition, iciting incident/problem, rising action, crisis, climax or resolution, falling action, end).

No class on Monday. On Wednesday we meet in Mahar 467 for the first half of class.